Customer delight vs customer satisfaction ppt

Customer Delight vs. Customer Satisfaction: Who wins in this tug of war and which one matters more? Which one precedes and which one succeeds? Read on!

Customer Satisfaction vs Customer Delight

Shivani Chaturvedi

Customer Satisfaction vs Customer Delight

As a customer-facing brand in a highly competitive market, what gives you the cutting edge over others? What does it take for the customers to pick you over the competition? How to ensure customer delight or how to improve customer satisfaction? Satisfying your prospects and creating a bond which is more than just a mere relationship demands you to delve deeper.

While customer satisfaction is all about the practical procedure of achieving goals and delivering value, customer delight is the emotional ‘wow’ factor that you add on. Needless to say, the tough tiff between customer satisfaction vs customer delight can go on for time immemorial. But how do we draw the thin line of difference?

There is one way to get started, and that is by getting a proper understanding of both the terms and the difference between them.

Customer satisfaction is all about providing customers with the exact product or service they desire, which makes them quite happy. On the other hand, customer delight is going on top of customer satisfaction and doing something that the customers would not have thought of even in dreams. Once the customers get more than expected, they value it even more, which results in delighting them.

While one achieves what was expected, the other delivers the additional value. What stays common is the target that both when pursued together render quality as well as a passion for perfection. Establishing a clear pathway that creates customer relationships and indicates progress is all that matters. And it is customer satisfaction that stems from following the outlined path and loyally working towards that goal.

On the other hand, meeting the requisite milestones reproduces customer delight. What is customer delight and why is customer delight important? Similarly, what is customer satisfaction and why is customer satisfaction important? Are you two sister-terms from the dictionary of customer success? Nonetheless, they do have their own tales of difference. Let us now have a sneak peek at how both these terms differ. But before that, let us brush up on some of the basics.

What is Customer Delight?

The definition of customer delight mainly hovers around exceeding the nominal customer expectations and coming up with something afresh that augments your overall brand loyalty or customer experience quotient.