Public Records Request

We keep public records for a variety of EDD-related topics. You can view our public records during normal business hours. However, they must be subject to disclosure under California Public Records Act, Government Code, sections 6250 et seq.

General Information

We can provide copies of identifiable public records upon request. If you need confidential information for a housing authority, background investigations, Enterprise Zone Program, or law enforcement requests, visit Third-Party Requests.

Note: Original records cannot be removed from our offices.


There is no fee for the first 100 pages of your public records request. Additional pages cost 10 cents per page. We will determine the cost for electronic copies separately.

How to Submit a Request for Public Records

To inspect or request a copy of EDD public records, contact us in one of the following ways:

Media Outlets

If you are a member of the media, email to submit your Public Records Act request and for general information (e.g., requests for Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notifications, employment statistics, etc.).

Processing Requests

Within 10 days of receiving your request, we will let you know if we have the public records. If there is a delay, we will explain why in writing. If the request is not specific enough, we may ask for more information.

We will release public records in electronic form unless we are prohibited from doing so. When a requested record is available in print and electronic ally , you can choose which format to receive.

Note: The EDD is not required to synthesize, manufacture, or summarize records, (i.e., develop new records) in response to a request.

Exempt Records

The Legislature has established that certain records may be exempt from public disclosure. These exemptions balance the public’s right to access public records against individual right to privacy and the need for government to perform its statutory duties. A list of statutory exemptions can be found in the California Public Records Act, Government Code, sections 6254 and 6275.

If denied access to records, you can seek injunctive or declarative relief in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the right to inspect or receive a copy of public records under the California Public Records Act, Government Code, section 6258.