FAQ - Recommendation Letters

We do not accept paper-based letters of recommendations. All letters of recommendation must be submitted through the online UCSD Graduate Application for Admission.

My recommender has not received an email requesting a letter. What should I do?

To monitor the progress of your online letters, please click on "Letters of Recommendations" in the online application. Here you can view which letters have been submitted, and send e-mail reminders to recommenders.

If a recommender has not responded, you should check the e-mail address for accuracy. Contact your recommender to determine if a new email address should be used. Please note that it is not possible to change the email address of the original entry. Instead, select "Add a new recommender" and enter the recommender's information, including the updated email address.

May I add or delete a recommender?

You may add a recommender by visiting the "Letters of Recommendation" section in the online application. You cannot delete a recommender, and you cannot revoke a recommendation letter once it has been submitted by the recommender.

How can I change my recommender's email address information?

It is not possible to change the email address of the original entry. Instead, select "Add New Recommender," and enter the recommender's information, including the updated email address.

I only have two letters of recommendation, will my application be considered?

Your application will be considered based on all of the information that you submit by the application deadline. However, you may be disadvantaged if you submit an application with fewer than three letters of recommendation.

Should I wait to submit my application until all letters of recommendation are complete?

No. Submit your application as soon as you have completed it. Your letters of recommendation will be attached to your application as they arrive. Once you have submitted your application you may continue to monitor the status of your online recommendations by visiting the "Letters of Recommendation" section of the online application. All application materials, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted by the application deadline.

Do you accept professional letters of recommendation?

Academic references are always preferred, since they will best indicate your ability to succeed in graduate school. However, professional recommendations will also be accepted, if these are all that you can reasonably obtain.

Do you accept recommendation letters after the deadline?

If you have listed a recommender on your application prior to submission we will accept the letter after the deadline. That said, we cannot guarantee that letters received after the deadline will be reviewed with your application. The admissions committee begins their review of applications immediately after the deadline. It is therefore possible your application could be reviewed prior to the receipt of your letters of recommendation which may put you at a disadvantage.

How may I view the status of my recommendation letters?

To monitor the progress of your letters of recommendation, please login to your application and select section 6: "Letters of Recommendation". There you can view which recommenders have submitted their recommendation. (The "Received At" column notes the day and time the recommendation was submitted.)