NC Statutes Related to Child Support

Below are the North Carolina General Statutes relating to Child Support Services.

Chapter 1. Civil Procedure
G.S. 1-47 [Statute of Limitations] Ten Years
G.S. 1-52 [Statute of Limitations] Three Years
G.S. 1-75.4 Personal jurisdiction, grounds for generally
G.S. 1-410 In what case arrest allowed
G.S. 1-440.2 Actions in which attachment may be had

Chapter 1C, Enforcement of Judgments
G.S. 1C-1601 What property exempt; waiver; exceptions
G.S. 1C-1702 (Enforcement of foreign judgements) Definitions

Chapter 5A. Contempt
G.S. 5A-11 Criminal contempt
G.S. 5A-12 Punishment; circumstances for fine or imprisonment reduction of punishment; other measures
G.S. 5A-13 Direct and indirect criminal contempt; proceedings required
G.S. 5A-15 Plenary proceedings for contempt
G.S. 5A-16 Custody of person charged with criminal contempt
G.S. 5A-17 Appeals
G.S. 5A-21 Civil contempt; imprisonment to compel compliance
G.S. 5A-22 Release when civil; imprisonment to compel compliance
G.S. 5A-23 Proceedings for civil contempt
G.S. 5A-24 Appeals
G.S. 5A-25 Proceedings as for contempt and civil contempt

Chapter 7A Judicial Department
G.S. 7A-178 Magistrate as child support hearing officer
G.S. 7A-183 Clerk or assistant clerk as child support hearing officer
G.S. 7A-244 (District court jurisdiction) Domestic relations
G.S. 7B-1111 Grounds for terminating Parental rights.
G.S. 7B-1112 Effective of termination order.

Chapter 8 Evidence
G.S. 8-57 Husband and wife as witnesses in criminal actions
G.S. 8-57.2 Presumed father or mother as witnesses where paternity as issue

Chapter 14 Criminal Law
G.S. 14-322.1 Abandonment of child or children for six months
G.S. 14-325.1 When offense of failure to support child deemed committed in State

Chapter 15A Criminal Procedure Act
G.S. 15A-305 Order for arrest
G.S. 15A-531 (Bail) Definitions
G.S. 15A-534 Procedure for determining conditions of pretrial release
G.S. 15A-544.1 Forfeiture jurisdiction
G.S. 15A-1343 Conditions of probation
G.S. 15A-1344.1 Procedure to ensure payment of child support
G.S. 15A-1368.4 Conditions of post-release supervision

Chapter 20 Motor Vehicles
G.S. 20-17 Mandatory revocation of license by Division
G.S. 20-24 When court or child support enforcement agency to forward license to Division and report convictions, child support delinquencies, and prayers for judgment continued
G.S. 20-24.1 Revocation for failure to appear or pay fine, penalty or costs for motor vehicle offenses
G.S. 20-28 Unlawful to drivel while license revoked or while disqualified
G.S. 20-50.4 Division to refuse to register vehicles on which taxes are delinquent and when there is failure to meet court-ordered child support obligations
G.S. 20-179.3 Limited driving privilege

Chapter 44 Liens
G.S. 44-50 Receiving person charged with duty of retaining funds for purpose stated; evidence; attorney's fees; charges

Chapter 48 Adoptions
G.S.48-1-107 Other rights of adoptee
G.S.48-2-305 Petition for adoption; additional documents
G.S.48-3-607 Consequences of consent
G.S.48-3-705 Consequences of relinquishment

Chapter 49 Bastardy
G.S.49-2 Nonsupport of child born out of wedlock by parents made misdemeanor
G.S.49-3 Place of birth of child no consideration
G.S.49-4 When prosecution may be commenced
G.S.49-5 Prosecution; death of mother no bar; determination of fatherhood
G.S.49-6 Mother not excused on ground of self-incrimination; not subject to penalty
G.S.49-7 Issues and orders
G.S.49-8 Power of court to modify orders, suspend sentence, etc.
G.S.49-9 Bond for future appearance of defendant
G.S.49-10 Legitimation
G.S.49-11 Effects of legitimation
G.S.49-12 Legitimation by subsequent marriage
G.S.49-12.1 Legitimation when mother married
G.S.49-13 New birth certificate on legitimation
G.S.49-14 Civil action to establish paternity
G.S.49-15 Custody and support of children born out of wedlock when paternity established.)
G.S.49-16 Parties to proceeding
G.S.49-17 Jurisdiction over nonresident or nonpresent persons

Chapter 50 Divorce and Alimony
G.S.50-8 Contents of complaint; verification; venue and service in action by nonresident; certain divorces validated
G.S.50-11.2 Judgment provisions pertaining to care, custody, tuition, and maintenance of minor children
G.S.50-13.4 Action for support of minor child
G.S.50-13.5 Procedure in actions for custody or support for minor children
G.S.50-13.6 Counsel fees in actions for custody and support of minor children
G.S.50-13.7 Modification of order for child support or custody
G.S.50-13.9 Procedure to insure payment of child support
G.S.50-13.10 Past due child support vested; not subject to retroactive
G.S.50-13.11 Orders and agreements regarding medical support an health insurance coverage for minor children
G.S.50-13.12 Forfeiture of licensing privileges for failure to pay child support
G.S.50-20 Distribution by court of marital and divisible property.G.S.50-30 [Expedited process] Findings; policy; and purpose
G.S.50-31 [Expedited process] Definitions
G.S.50-32 Disposition of cases within 60 days; extension
G.S.50-33 Waiver of expedited process requirement
G.S.50-34 Establishment of an expedited process
G.S.50-35 Authority and duties of a child support hearing officer
G.S.50-36 Child support procedures in districts with expedited process
G.S.50-37 Enforcement authority of child support hearing officer; contempt
G.S.50-38 Appeal from orders of the child support hearing officer
G.S.50-39 Qualifications of child support hearing officer

Chapter 52C Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
G.S.52C-1-101 Definitions
G.S.52C-1-102 State tribunal and support enforcement agencyG.S.52C-1-103 Remedies
G.S.52C-2-201 Bases For jurisdiction over nonresident
G.S.52C-2-202 Duration of personal jurisdiction
G.S.52C-2-203 Initiating and responding tribunal of this State
G.S.52C-2-204 Simultaneous proceedings in another state
G.S.52C-2-205 Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify child support order
G.S.52C-2-206 Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support orderG.S.52C-2-207 Determination of controlling child support orderG.S.52C-2-208 obliges Child support orders for two or more obligeesG.S.52C-2-209 Credit for payments
G.S.52C-3-301 Proceedings under this Chapter
G.S.52C-3-302 Proceeding by minor parentG.S.52C-3-303 Application of law of this State
G.S.52C-3-304 Duties of initiating tribunal
G.S.52C-3-305 Duties and powers of responding tribunal
G.S.52C-3-306 Inappropriate tribunal
G.S.52C-3-307 Duties of support enforcement agency
G.S.52C-3-308 oblige Duty of Department
G.S.52C-3-309 Duties of State information agency
G.S.52C-3-310 Pleadings and accompanying documents
G.S.52C-3-311 Nondisclosure of information in exceptional circumstances
G.S.52C-3-312 Costs and fees
G.S.52C-3-313 Limited immunity of petitioner
G.S.52C-3-314 Nonparentage as defense
G.S.52C-3-315 Special rules of evidence and procedure
G.S.52C-3-316 Communications between tribunals
G.S.52C-3-317 Assistance with discovery
G.S.52C-3-318 Receipt and disbursement of payments
G.S.52C-4-401 Establishment of support order
G.S.52C-5-501 Employer’s receipt of income-withholding order of another state
G.S.52C-5-502 Administrative enforcement of orders
G.S.52C-6-601 Registration of order for enforcement
G.S.52C-6-602 Procedure to register order for enforcement
G.S.52C-6-603 Effect of registration for enforcement
G.S.52C-6-604 Choice of law
G.S.52C-6-605 Notice of registration of order
G.S.52C-6-606 Procedure to contest validity or enforcement of registered order
G.S.52C-6-607 Contest of registration or enforcement
G.S.52C-6-608 Confirmed order
G.S.52C-6-609 Procedure to register child support order of another state for modification
G.S.52C-6-610 Effect of registration for modification
G.S.52C-6-611 Modification of child support order of another state
G.S.52C-6-612 Recognition of order modified in another state
G.S.52C-7-701 Definitions
G.S.52C-8-801 Grounds for rendition
G.S.52C-8-802 Conditions of rendition
G.S.52C-9-901 Uniformity of application and construction
G.S.52C-9-902 Severability clause

Chapter 58 Insurance
G.S. 58-51-120 Coverage of children

Chapter 93B Occupational Licensing Boards
G.S. 93B-13 Revocation when licensing privilege forfeited for nonpayment of child support

Chapter 95 Department of Labor and Labor Regulations
G.S. 95-31 Acceptance by employer of assignment of wages

Chapter 96 Employment Security
G.S. 96-17 Protection of rights and benefits; deductions for child support obligations

Chapter 97 Workers' Compensation Act
G.S. 97-21 Claims unassignable and exempt from taxes and debts; agreement of employee to contribute to premium or waive right to compensation void; unlawful deduction by employer

Chapter 105A Setoff Debt Collection Act
G.S. 105A-2 Definitions
G.S. 105A-3 Remedy additional; mandatory usage; obtaining identifying information
G.S. 105A-4 Minimum sum collectible
G.S. 105A-5 Collection of sums due claimant agencies through setoff
G.S. 105A-6 Procedure for setoff
G.S. 105A-9 Appeals from hearingsG.S. 105A-12 Priorities in claims to setoff
G.S. 105A-13 Disposition of proceeds collected; collection assistance fees
G.S. 105A-14 Accounting to the claimant agency; credit to debtor's obligation
G.S. 105A-15 Confidentiality exemption; nondisclosure
G.S. 105A-16 Rules and regulations

Chapter 108A Social Services
G.S. 108A-18 Duties and responsibilities
G.S. 108A-69 Employer obligations
G.S. 108A-70 Recoupment of amounts spent on medical care
G.S. 108A-80 Confidentiality of records

Chapter 110 Child Welfare
G.S. 110-128 Purposes
G.S. 110-129 Definitions
G.S. 110-130 Action by the designated representatives of the county commissioners
G.S. 110-130.1 Non-Work First service.
G.S. 110-130.2 Collection of spousal support
G.S. 110-131 Compelling disclosure of information respecting the non-supporting responsible parent of a child receiving public assistance
G.S. 110-132 Affidavit of parentage and agreement to motion to set aside affidavit of parentage.
G.S. 110-132.1 Paternity determination by another state entitled to full faith and credit
G.S. 110-133 Agreements of support
G.S. 110-134 Filing of affirmations, acknowledgments, agreements and orders; and fees
G.S. 110-135 Debt to State created
G.S. 110-136 Garnishment of enforcement of child-support obligation
G.S. 110-136.1 Assignment of wages for child support
G.S. 110-136.2 Use of unemployment compensation benefits for child support
G.S. 110-136.3 Income withholding procedures; applicability
G.S. 110-136.4 Implementation of withholding in IV-D cases
G.S. 110-136.5 Implementation of withholding in non-IV-D cases
G.S. 110-136.6 Amount to be withheld
G.S. 110-136.7 Multiple withholding
G.S. 110-136.8 Notice to payor; payor's responsibilities
G.S. 110-136.9 Payment of withheld funds
G.S. 110-136.10 Termination of withholding
G.S. 110-137 Acceptance of public assistance constitutes assignment of support rights to the State or county
G.S. 110-138 Duty of county to obtain support
G.S. 110-138.1 Duty of judicial officials to assist in obtaining support
G.S. 110-139 Location of absent parents
G.S. 110-139.1 Access to federal parent locator service; parental kidnapping and child custody cases
G.S. 110-140 Conformity with federal requirements
G.S. 110-141 Effectuation of intent of Article
G.S. 110-142 Definitions; suspension and revocation of occupational, professional, or business licenses of obligors who are delinquent in court-ordered child support or subject to outstanding warrants for failure to appear for failure to comply with terms of a court order for child support
G.S. 110-142.1 IV-D notified suspension, revocation, and issuance of occupational, professional, or business licenses of obligors who are delinquent in court-ordered child support or subject to outstanding warrants for failure to appear for failure to comply with terms of a court order for child support
G.S. 110-142.2 Suspension, revocation, restriction of license to operate a motor vehicle or hunting, fishing, or trapping licenses; refusal of registration of motor vehicle

Chapter 130A Public Health
G.S. 130A-101 Birth registration
G.S. 130A-118 Amendment of Birth and Death certificates
G.S. 130A-119 Clerk of Court to furnish State Registrar with facts as to paternity of illegitimate children judicially determined